Bible Baptist Church was started under the authority of Central Baptist Church of Amelia, Ohio, where Dr. David Curington has been the Pastor for over 30 years. After serving as the youth pastor and assistant pastor to Dr. Curington for over 4 years, Tracy Curington was sent out of Central Baptist Church in mid-September, 2005, to start a church in Ardmore, Oklahoma. After just a few weeks of deputation and with a few supporting churches, Tracy Curington, his wife, April, and their 4 children arrived in Ardmore on November 15, 2005. The following evening they conducted their first mid-week service in the home of a couple who lived just outside of town. They began conducting Sunday AM and PM services in the Hampton Inn conference room each week for a couple months. During this time, Wednesday evening Bible studies were held at Pastor Curington’s apartment. Later, God opened a door for them to move their services to a trailer park recreational center, where they could conduct all of their church services each week at the same location. Each week, very early on Sunday morning, they would arrive at the “center” to set up chairs, an electric piano, the pulpit, sound equipment, etc. for the day, only to take it back down at the end of the evening service, clean up the “center”, and slide the week’s rent check under the park manager’s door. This continued for several months until God allowed them to rent their own “store-front” type building. What used to be a day-care, which had been closed down for almost a full year, had now become the location of the Bible Baptist Church. Soon thereafter, Bible Baptist Church was officially organized on October 3, 2006, during their first revival meeting. Nineteen faithful believers signed the charter that evening. One year later, during their 2nd annual revival meeting, God opened another door for this new work by providing them with the financing for their very own church building. God has provided this new work with a church bus, a church van, proper sound equipment, Sunday school classrooms, a fellowship hall, church offices, and room to grow! This new church has seen many souls saved and baptized, and has experienced steady growth for the past 18 years. The Pastor, himself, has seen his own family size increase in size from 4 children when they arrived to now 8 children. Bible Baptist Church is founded upon the Lord, determined to be obedient unto the Lord, and thus, has been richly blessed by the Lord. This young church is yet another example of how God blesses those who perform His work, His way!